Progressive Logistics

Progressive Logistics
Brand Strategy, Brand Identity

The Project

Progressive Logistics reached out to us as they ventured into the realm of cold storage solutions. Our mission? To craft a logo that not only stands as a symbol of distinction but also becomes the cornerstone of a robust and compelling brand identity. This identity is designed to cement Progressive Logistics as a trusted and innovative player in the cold storage industry.

Our objectives are twofold: to differentiate and invigorate the Progressive Logistics logo while concurrently crafting a unified brand identity for PL Cold. We're excited to embark on this journey of branding transformation.

The Outcome

Refreshing Progressive Logistics: The heart of this transformation lies in the refreshed Progressive Logistics logo. We meticulously retained the iconic PL monogram that had become synonymous with their brand. However, we breathed new life into it by infusing a contemporary twist. The addition of a dynamic 3D box element speaks to their forward-looking approach and their commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions in the 3PL industry. It's a nod to their past, a salute to their present, and a confident stride into their future.

For PL Cold, our choice of the polar bear as their emblem was driven by profound symbolism. Polar bears embody qualities of resilience, adaptability, and unwavering strength in the face of formidable challenges. These qualities align seamlessly with PL Cold's ethos. Just as the polar bear navigates the harshest Arctic conditions, PL Cold embraces the most demanding aspects of the cold storage industry. It's a symbol that not only reflects their operational excellence but also evokes a sense of trust in their ability to safeguard and preserve.

This project represents more than a mere visual transformation; it's a testament to the progressive spirit of both brands. It's about honoring their history while embracing the opportunities of tomorrow.

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Totally enjoyed working with Komal. Very open and interactive process. Spirited conversations and open dialogue proved to capture the essence of our brand as we continue to grow our company well into the future.
Doug Hayes

Welp, here we are at the bottom of the page. What are you waiting for?