
Brand Identity, Brand Strategy

The Project

Neopeople, a Human Resources Management System for small businesses, challenged us to breathe life into their US launch. 

Through extensive market research and an analysis of the competitive landscape we were able to identify how Neopeople could stand out as the go-to HRMS provider: easy useability and reliability at an affordable cost plus empowering its users with self-management capabilities.

The Outcome

We spent time crafting a brand identity that knits together neopeople's target audience, community, and collaboration – just like those magical needles that create a gorgeous scarf from thread. The Neopeople logo is the same concept: an N intertwined with a P symbolizing connection between neopeople and their clients! of course, none of this is possible without PEOPLE (hence why we incorporated dots in our design as tiny little nods to them)!

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“Komal is a fantastic designer and we were impressed with her Brand Strategy guide she put together for us. She did her research and we're proud of where the brand is now.”
Dominick Namis

Welp, here we are at the bottom of the page. What are you waiting for?